Game Pitch Proposal

One for End

Ethan Nasrullah, Ari, Kenneth

A game on which your goal is to kill everyone in the world. This game takes places in a normal world where, in the course of events we must kill all people with a max of 5-players to help. This game will be a story-action game, an open-world game, a fantasy game, and a horror game, and a sandbox game. 

Game Description

This will be all placed into one BIG fun game, which will draw the players attention. This game will be long and expansive with a large terrain. The game at night is an entire different story. It comes with a huge pack of weapons and secrets to keep the players entertained. DLC’s are also included and users can create their own custom levels that players can download and play in the workshop! Has a ton of ores! You can go mining and exploring by leaving places where mankind has built. You can go as far down as possible with the right gear(max is the Earth’s Core). You can go into different biomes and fine ancient structures.


Fantasy will be involved deeply in this game. Maps can be made from other people and people can play them. You can build anything you want. Built with smart AI, some very detailed MC like blocks (not perfect pixels and block shape) and actual realistic weapons. We are going to try and make this a huge glitch-less and bugless game. The game has also realistic events such as thieves on the streets, gangs outside, and crimes. The game will be based on skill. The game comes with 7 difficulties; Peaceful, Creative, Intro, Easy, Medium, Hard, Extreme, Impossible, and Death Mode. Peaceful is when no real story is applied but, still little survival. Creative Mode has story but with infinite resources and no real difficulty. Intro is a very simple survival mode where the user has to do less work but some difficulty (Less spawn rates, less damage, less armor needed, less enemy damage). Easy mode is the recommended experience (Everything is balanced and fun. Some difficulty.) Medium and Hard are self explanatory. Extreme is a mode in which you have only one life. Impossible is a mode where you have reduced life regeneration, damage, and have only one life. Death Mode is where everything one shots you, so you’re going to have to master dodging.

The Quest

Your goal is to kill everyone in the world. You will start off in a society much like modern day. The main thing is though is that the world will fall under the idea where Humans are unconcerned with magic but you can see it. You will have access to magic and powerful technology. Therefore concerning the human empire will be easy, but how are you going to conquer all civilizations and empires?

Main Character

The game will have an option to choose any character you want to create. A max of five players will be allowed in. The main characters powers will be to have access to magic and technology but you have to gain knowledge in order for that to happen. The game will be first-person.

Sketch of Main Character

A customizable menu will be provided with templates so that you can create your characters.


Within the game you will encounter 12 major bosses. Each boss will have custom AI and will be difficult. Each boss will also represent a race. Once you ‘finish’ the game much is still to be explored, nor longer will progression will exist.

Sketch of Opponents

HUMANS – All nations leaders

Elves – All colony leaders

MagrithinzoÙ – The overlord of existence 


The environment will be open world, so you will be able to explore custom worlds and mountains. You can find ancient dungeons and go exploring.

Sketch of World

The world will be based off of the physical aspects of the world.



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