Enabling and Disabling Components

EnableComponents using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class EnableComponents : MonoBehaviour { private Light myLight; void Start () { myLight = GetComponent<Light>(); } void Update () { if(Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space)) { myLight.enabled = !myLight.enabled; } } } What I Learned In this task I learned how to enable and disable unity components via script and or Unity Editor.


UpdateAndFixedUpdate using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class UpdateAndFixedUpdate : MonoBehaviour { void FixedUpdate () { Debug.Log(“FixedUpdate time :” + Time.deltaTime); } void Update () { Debug.Log(“Update time :” + Time.deltaTime); } } What I Learned  

Awake and Start

AwakeAndStart using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class AwakeAndStart : MonoBehaviour { void Awake () { Debug.Log(“Awake called.”); } void Start () { Debug.Log(“Start called.”); } } What I Learned Awakes are references between scripts and initialization. Start is called after awake. Start is started once script component is enabled. Awake function can then be used…

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Scope and Access Modifiers

Scope and Access Modifiers using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ScopeAndAccessModifiers : MonoBehaviour { public int alpha = 5; private int beta = 0; private int gamma = 5; private AnotherClass myOtherClass; void Start () { alpha = 29; myOtherClass = new AnotherClass(); myOtherClass.FruitMachine(alpha, myOtherClass.apples); } void Example (int pens, int crayons) { int answer;…

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Activating Game Objects

Active Objects using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ActiveObjects : MonoBehaviour { void Start () { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } What I Learned In this task, I learned how to reference GameObjects in code and set their values. I also learned how to have GameObjects connect to certain presets within the code. Resources: